Recent blogosphere highlights, part 2
Here’s part 2 in my series on fantastic blog posts written by other people! See part 1 for more favorites.
Peter Seibel proposes an approach to code reading that doesn’t treat pieces of code like literature. Some people make the following argument: you would never meet a novelist - a writer of novels - that didn’t read novels. Nor should we ever meet programmers - writers of code - who never read code. The problem with this argument, though, is that novels are written in order to be read by humans. Computer programs are written to make a computer do a thing. So to learn from other people’s code, we shouldn’t read it - we should decode it. We should act like naturalists and treat the code like specimens. I think studying/decoding something takes a lot more time and mental energy than reading something, but it makes total sense that this approach would make it easier/less frustrating to learn from other people’s code.
I love Jeff Leek’s post explaining what Nate Silver meant when he wrote that Obama had a 75% chance of winning the 2012 election, based on a giant analysis of lots of poll data. Jeff illustrates important statistical concepts (like variability) with a simple simulation. This post is written for a general audience (not an audience consisting only of statisticians). I wish more people wrote posts about scientific/technical/statistical concepts for general audiences, since these concepts pop up in big, culturally-important news stories from time to time. Also, fun fact, this post isn’t recent (it’s from October 30, 2012 - just days before the election!), but I read it recently, so it makes the list.
I read Mary Rose Cook’s introduction to functional programming this week, and I finally understand what functional programming is! I was so excited! The line in the post that did it for me: “Ignore all that. Functional code is characterised by one thing: the absence of side effects.” Now I can legitimately laugh at this XKCD. I also now know that most of the code I write is not in a very “functional” style: production of a plot is a side effect. Changing data is a side effect. The post is quite detailed and technical, but it’s very good.
I really enjoyed S. Dawn Casey’s post about starting the journey toward being a software developer. She writes: “I can write little scripts that do stupid things, but I can’t figure out how exactly this makes the internet work. At all.” I felt exactly this feeling right around week 2 of Hacker School, when I could write games and functions and scripts all day long but didn’t really know how to make a usable piece of software. I loved reading about someone else’s experiences with that learning process.
Julia Evans perfectly describes what Hacker School is like in this post. She did such a great job capturing the essence of Hacker School. The post isn’t overly long, but it contains exactly the right amount of detail: it identifies at least 10 qualities that make Hacker School magical. Read the post. It’s so good.
Did you ever want to make all the pages on your internet be cats? Now you can! Monica made a DNS server that exclusively serves cat pictures. I’m really really starting to love reading posts along the lines of “I didn’t understand this Thing one day. I felt bad about this so I read the internetz, but then I got confused about A, B, and C.” The end. It’s also fun if the post continues thusly: “I wrote some totally non-functional code and got super frustrated, but THEN I figured out how to solve A, partially address B, and work around C. Now I have a much better understanding of Thing. Here is a hilarious project demonstrating said understanding!” Monica’s post is totally like this. It’s about a project she did to understand DNS servers better. Also the URL at the end of the post is “go cat DNS go” which is way awesome.
I really liked Roger Dudler’s beautiful, simple introduction to git. It covers everything you need to know to get started, with the possible exception of undoing a commit / resetting the repo to a specific commit. (I’m thinking of git reset and rebase). There’s even a pretty pdf you can download for reference! Super great.